Thorntons deepens relationship with Cameramatics


Five years of exceptional customer service and innovation has seen waste management company Thorntons deepen its relationship with CameraMatics.

Thorntons, servicing Dublin, Wicklow, and Kildare operates a mixed fleet of skip trucks, RCVs, hook loaders, and artics. Utilizing the CameraMatics system for over five years now, Thorntons has expanded its use of the system, currently operating five cameras per vehicle across 175 vehicles.

Intuitive System Interface

Thorntons partnered with CameraMatics, a prevention-first camera system provider to ensure its waste management services are carried out in the most efficient and safe manner.

Timeliness is a big factor, being the second largest operator in the country, running a 24/7 operation. Thorntons require the system to be quick and easy to use.

“I was looking for something that can be checked quickly and that has good quality video,” said Jagoda Moore, Transport Manager.

Managing Queries

The five-camera system ensures extra vigilance when operating in residential areas and eliminates blind spots. Providing drivers with the visibility to avoid pedestrians, parked vehicles, property, animals, and other road users. This empowers them to work more confidently.

However, irrespective of the increased safety granted by installing the CameraMatics system, it doesn’t change the fact that waste management providers such as Thorntons operate in busy residential areas, with high levels of contact with the public.

By utilizing the CameraMatics system endless amounts of time has been saved by Thorntons when handling queries from the public. Being able to review footage captured means that CameraMatics acts as an independent witness providing indisputable evidence on Thorntons behalf.

Video Evidence

The ability to exonerate drivers of claims such as damaging private property or missing bin collections has been immensely beneficial from a financial and team moral perspective for Thorntons.

“Thanks to cameras, we can check, investigate and come back to either a member of the public, third party, or customer, and give them feedback and video-evidence, letting them know who is responsible for the incident,” Jagoda Moore, Transport Manager commented.


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